Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November Good Citizens

Congratulations are in order for Mason T. and Grayson F.  Mrs. Nabors chose Mason as her Good Citizen for the month of November and Grayson was chosen by Mrs. Liner.  Way to go boys!  Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Saluting Our Soldiers

In honor of Veteran's Day, our kindergartners have been learning all about our countries service men and women.   We made a book about how soldiers protect our country and we also received a visit from a special guest.  Sargent Barr from the U.S. Army came and spoke to our kindergartners.  We all enjoyed his visit and learned a lot about him and his service to our country.  Thank you Sargent Barr!

Harvest King and Queen

Attention Parents!
Our annual Harvest King and Queen contest has started!  Each vote is 10 cents.  If you would like your child to be in the contest, please send money in a labeled envelope for votes to school by Monday, November 14th.  (Example: $1.00 = 10 votes)  If your child raises the most money, they will be asked to ride in the Christmas parade representing our school.