Keeping COOL!

After another HOT week in kindergarten, we decided to cool off with popsicles!  After the students returned from playing outside with Coach Stephens, we all sat down in the shade to enjoy this cool treat!  Thanks Emi for bringing these for your fellow classmates!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A BIG Thank You!

R. L. Young kindergartners had a wonderful first week of school.  The first three days of school, we spent a lot of time searching for our missing gingerbread man.  We want to send out a BIG thank you to Melissa Collier for baking gingerbread men for the students on Wednesday.  It just so happened, that when she brought those gingerbread cookies, our gingerbread man returned!  On Thursday and Friday, we turned our attention to the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  This book is about letters climbing up a coconut tree.  Another BIG thank you goes out to Angeal Falkner.  She made a wonderful cake for all the kindergartners to share. We have such a wonderful group of kindergartners because we have such wonderful parents!   Be sure to ask your child what happens in the book when all the letters get to the top of the tree.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kindergarten Meet and Greet

On Thursday, August 11th, R. L. Young hosted our annual "Meet and Greet."  The new kindergartners were invited to school with their parents.  We all began in the library to review the ABC's of kindergarten.  This slide show covered everything from Attendance to getting enough ZZZZZZ's.  After the presentation, the students and their families headed to their assigned classroom.  Inside the classroom, each child completed a scavenger hunt which lead them to their seat, their cubby, and their book bag hook.  It was a very successful "Meet and Greet" and now we are looking forward to a great 1st day of school! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Come Meet Your Kindergarten Teacher!

R. L. Young's Meet and Greet will be Thursday, August 11th.  Kindergarten will be meeting at 5:00 in the school library.  We will cover basic school information with the entire group and then divide into individual classes.  During this time you will be able to pay lunch money, PTO fees, and your student supply donation ($50).  Please bring your child with you to this meeting!  See you Thursday, August 11th at 5:00!

Welcome to R.L. Young!

In the spring, before school ended for the summer; we invited the upcoming kindergartners to our school for a special treat!  The new students were escorted on a tour of the school by a 6th grade ambassador.  They also met the kindergarten teachers and received a "goodie" bag full of treats! The bag included the kindergartners first homework assignment to help get them ready for the upcoming school year!